The Kundyolanda Okka resides here and
have been inhabiting this land since times immemorial.
As revealed by the Karona himself while his spirit was possessed by Subbaiah,
the Kundyolanda clan has been in existent in this village for the past 820 years.
The people of our clan are looked
upon with great reverence in our village.
We lead traditional Dudi Kott Paat at
the village festivals or in our Mandh.
We proudly claim that the Manepaat,
a post Putthari practice which is otherwise
decadent in many places of
Kodagu is still in practice in the family.
KHC 2024
Our family has participated in all the Kodava Hockey Festival’s held so far.
Now that The Kodava Hockey Academy has entrusted us with the responsibility of hosting
the 24th Kodava Hockey Festival in 2024, we are all set to take up the responsibility and
give our best inv the forthcoming season.